# HackBox— 起点 (四)
- Which TCP port is open on the machine?(机器上打开了哪个 TCP 端口?)
- 6379
- Which service is running on the port that is open on the machine?(哪个服务在机器上打开的端口上运行?)
- redis
- What type of database is Redis? Choose from the following options: (i) In-memory Database, (ii) Traditional Database (Redis 是什么类型的数据库?从以下选项中进行选择:(i) 内存数据库,(ii) 传统数据库)
- In-memory Database
- Which command-line utility is used to interact with the Redis server? Enter the program name you would enter into the terminal without any arguments.(哪个命令行实用程序用于与 Redis 服务器交互?输入您要在终端中输入的程序名称,不带任何参数。)
- redis-cli
- Which flag is used with the Redis command-line utility to specify the hostname?(Redis 命令行实用程序使用哪个标志来指定主机名?)
- -h
- Once connected to a Redis server, which command is used to obtain the information and statistics about the Redis server?(连接到 Redis 服务器后,使用哪个命令获取有关 Redis 服务器的信息和统计信息?)
- info
- What is the version of the Redis server being used on the target machine?(目标机器上使用的 Redis 服务器的版本是什么?)
- 5.0.7
- Which command is used to select the desired database in Redis?(在 Redis 中使用哪个命令来选择所需的数据库?)
- select
- How many keys are present inside the database with index 0?(索引为 0 的数据库中有多少个键?)
- 4
- Which command is used to obtain all the keys in a database?(哪个命令用于获取数据库中的所有键?)
- keys *